The Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma, originally known as the Kiwanis Club of West Toronto, earned its name for saving the abandoned Casa Loma in 1936 and turning it into one of the premier heritage tourist attractions in the City of Toronto. For more than 75 years, the Club cared for Casa Loma and it used a portion of its management fees to fund an extensive program of community services.
In 2013, Liberty Entertainment Group gained operation of this estate and established a very supportive working relationship with the Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma.
Our service projects are guided by the Kiwanis International motto, “Serving the children of the world”.
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About Us
The Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma, originally known as the Kiwanis Club of West Toronto, earned its name for saving the abandoned Casa Loma in 1936 and turning it into one of the premier heritage tourist attractions in the City of Toronto. For more than 75 years, the Club cared for Casa Loma and it used a portion of its management fees to fund an extensive program of community services.
In 2013, Liberty Entertainment Group gained operation of this estate and established a very supportive working relationship with the Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma.
Our service projects are guided by the Kiwanis International motto, “Serving the children of the world”.
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